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Removable Lid Cake Boxes > Anniversary Storage Cake Box
Anniversary Storage Cake Box

Price: $63.00
Availability: in stock



12x16 and 4" high cake box with removable lid.

Colors, writting, borders and what you store inside is your choice! 



Much to my husbands dismay - I did open it!! (He had to pack it back up for travel).
My daughter's girlfriend was walking in as I was taking off the lid. She was completely perplexed as to how/why I was seemingly pulling my cake open. She was shocked it was not real! So I'm already enjoying it!!!
Strawberries and booze fit perfectly with room left over! So excited for tomorrow!!!!

Oh my!!! What an absolute hit!  ....My uncle made a 5 minute speech at the end of dinner ...he spent 2+ of those minute explaining the cake box its significance and how wonderful it was!!! I couldn't have asked for a better reaction!!!

Thank you again for helping me to give a gift that they loved and captured the exact sentiment and keepsake I was trying to achieve! It was the hit of the event..  Melissa Marion